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Kilifi County Government
Karibu Kilifi


Regularization of Informal Settlements

Empowering Kilifi Together: Nurturing Growth, Building Sustainable Futures

Transforming Informal Settlements into Thriving, Structured Communities

The Department of Lands, Energy, Housing, Physical Planning, and Urban Development is committed to improving living conditions and providing secure tenure in informal settlements across Kilifi County. Regularization of informal settlements involves formalizing and upgrading these areas to ensure that residents have access to essential services, legal land ownership, and improved infrastructure.

Key Services in the Regularization of Informal Settlements Include

  • Identification and Assessment
    We conduct comprehensive surveys to identify informal settlements and assess their current conditions. This includes evaluating land ownership issues, infrastructure needs, and socio-economic challenges faced by residents.
  • Community Engagement
    We engage with residents to understand their needs and preferences. This collaborative approach ensures that the regularization process addresses community concerns and incorporates local input into planning and implementation.
  • Legal Documentation
    We facilitate the issuance of legal land titles and tenure documents to residents. This process provides formal recognition of land ownership, enhancing security and enabling residents to access services and benefits.
  • Infrastructure Development
    We plan and implement infrastructure improvements, including roads, water supply, sanitation facilities, and electricity connections. Upgrading infrastructure is crucial for enhancing living conditions and supporting community development.
  • Land Use Planning
    We develop and enforce land use plans that organize land within informal settlements for residential, commercial, and recreational purposes. Proper land use planning helps optimize space, improve service delivery, and enhance overall community layout.
  • Zoning and Planning
    We establish zoning regulations to guide the development of informal settlements. This includes designating areas for specific uses, such as residential, commercial, and public spaces, to promote orderly growth and functionality.
  • Provision of Basic Services
    We work to ensure that informal settlements have access to essential services such as healthcare, education, and waste management. Addressing these needs improves quality of life and supports community well-being.
  • Slum Upgrading
    We implement slum upgrading projects that focus on improving housing quality, sanitation, and environmental conditions. This includes renovating existing structures and constructing new, affordable housing units.
  • Policy Development
    We contribute to the formulation of policies and regulations that support the regularization and upgrading of informal settlements. These policies aim to address the unique challenges of informal areas and promote sustainable development.
  • Capacity Building
    We provide training and resources to local authorities and community organizations involved in the regularization process. Building capacity ensures effective implementation and management of regularization efforts.
  • Monitoring and Evaluation
    We continuously monitor and evaluate the progress of regularization projects to ensure they meet their objectives. Regular assessments help identify challenges, measure impacts, and make necessary adjustments to improve outcomes.
  • Conflict Resolution
    We address and resolve conflicts related to land ownership, boundaries, and resource allocation within informal settlements. Effective conflict resolution is essential for maintaining community harmony and supporting successful regularization.

Through the regularization of informal settlements, we aim to transform these areas into organized, secure, and thriving communities. By providing legal recognition, improving infrastructure, and enhancing service delivery, we are creating a foundation for sustainable development and a better quality of life for all residents.

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